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Monday, December 7, 2009

Wall-Washing Day

If you've never experienced the pure ecstasy that is attempting to scrub dried glue off of a wall, I implore you to tear the wallpaper from your family room walls, heat up some old dish clothes and wash like you've never washed before. You don't even need soap, just scrub, rinse, heat the water back up, and repeat. Over and over again. Until you give up, because not only are you exhausted and covered in paste, but the glue is still all over the walls. All you've done is considerably moisten the family room and spread sticky ooze all over the fucking place.

Just take one guess what I've been doing since I woke up. Yeah. Unpleasant.

So I'm getting an external hard drive for Christmas... one whole terabyte of excitement and holiday cheer! I'm also looking at cameras... I'm thinking about going the digital SLR route. Lately, companies like Canon and Nikon have been producing digital cameras capable of recording 30 FPS 1080i HD footage. That's pretty fucking amazing for such a small, affordable machine. I just don't know what to get... so more research is going to be necessary before I can make an educated decision. I actually had the good fortune of screening a film made with a Canon Rebel a few months ago in my digital cinema class, and the picture quality blew me away... and made my film look like a soup can filled with donkey piss in comparison, but hey, whatever.

Oh crap! I just realized I never recorded this in my blog... Doodle died. Yeah, it was awhile ago, and since then I got a new fish: Doodle Jr. Cause of death? While I was away at Youmacon, I left Doodle in my room and gave my suite mate Wally the key. Wally took fabulous care of him, fed him every other day like I asked, and was an all around great guy about it. However, my sadistic RA's decided that the dorm was far too cold. They turned the heat up to a sweltering 80 degrees. The optimum temperature for goldfish is about 55-60 degrees, and the extreme shift in temperature killed the poor little guy. Wally, realizing this, quickly wrote me a note explaining what happened (because I got home around midnight) and bought me the new goldfish. He also left me Doodle's body to flush for myself, which I think was a really thoughtful gesture of him. Wally's really awesome!

Alright, I don't have anything else to talk about today... but I wanted to bring something up with you, viewer(s). Have you noticed the ads below each post and in the side bar? Maybe try clicking those. I mean, don't click them just because, but if you see one that strikes your fancy, just go ahead and check it out. I like money, and clicking the ads is like giving me money... actually, it's more like you giving me Google's money. Long story short: if you want Google to give me money for doing nothing, click the ads! :)

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