Random Word

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Alright! I'm at DePaul now!! The quality of my life has increased at least tenfold, and I have college to thank! (Not to mention the hordes of awesome DePaul students at University Hall! Seriously, the two guitar guys on the second floor are fucking AWESOME!)

Anyway, down to business: I made a webcomic. This is just page one. More to come later. Enjoy the hell out of it.


  1. FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    CONTINUE THIS SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The hell, Andrew?!?!?

    I can tell its gonna be good XD


Take a deep breath; think about what you are going to type. When you're done typing, click "post comment." Free your mind of stress and your body of unwanted tension as your post is read by others. You are at one with the Internet.